AmCham Members


Category A

Banking services and products

The FINCA International Inc. was founded in 1985. Today the company works in 22 countries of the world serving over 1 million people. Eurasia, Africa, the Central and Latin America, the Middle East are the regions where FINCA works. The Head Office of FINCA is in Washington, the DC.

The Closed Joint Stock Company “Microcrediting Company FINCA” has received full-fledged banking license of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, which allows carrying out transactions without restrictions, and license to do operations in foreign currency. Since March 3, 2015, the CJSC “FINCA Bank” is included in the NBKR register of the commercial banks.

FINCA started to work at the market of Kyrgyzstan in 1995. At that time, it was established as the programme on crediting of entrepreneurs with lower income. 20 years ago, FINCA became a pioneer and introduced key principles of group based crediting and clearly followed its mission. By the end of December 2014, share of FINCA among the microfinancial companies with regards to number of the clients was 33% and volume of credit portfolio – 36%. Based on data of February 1, 2015, the credit portfolio was 7,5 billion som.

Bishkek 720011 Kyrgyzstan, 93/2 Shopokov Street
+996 (312) 440 440